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Pray for Nigeria

When Nigerian front-line worker Daniel Zagi was interviewed by Voice of the Martyrs, he used the word ‘pray’ 42 times. ‘If there is anything you want to do for us, pray’, he said. ‘We are here, and we are fighting for the cause of the gospel in the north.’ Many Christians in northern Nigeria have lost loved ones and homes in attacks by Boko Haram and Fulani militants, who seek to drive Christians out and establish an Islamist nation. Many pastors have been forced to flee the region, and entire congregations have been displaced. Nigerian believers need our prayers as they advance the gospel amid these violent attacks. Pray that believers suffering repeated attacks will withstand persecution and persevere in faith. Ask God to comfort all those who have experienced great loss because of this violence.

Pray: for the safety of believers as they share the gospel with Muslims, and that those ministering to Nigerian believers will have renewed strength and access to needed resources. (Jeremiah 39:17-18)

More: etools.vomusa.org/a/vombm/viewasweb/vom_bulk_email_202103_27_web.html

Nigeria: kidnapping scourge

The 2014 kidnap of 276 Chibok schoolgirls brought global attention to raids on schools in Nigeria. Now criminals are making money with copycat crimes. Nearly 300 girls were kidnapped from a boarding school last week, then released four days later after a ransom was paid. One girl said, ‘Most of us got injured, and we could not carry on walking. They said they would shoot anybody who did not continue walking. We walked across a river and they let us sleep under shrubs in a forest.’ Their release was secured through negotiations between government officials and the abductors. Kidnapping for ransom is a widespread criminal enterprise. Both rich and poor are seized by gunmen on almost a daily basis. Security personnel have also been held. The aim is to secure someone's release by raising funds from friends and relatives - or even selling their assets.

Pray: for better security for unfenced schools without security guards and for the government to stop ransom payment and increase rescue efforts. (Psalm 138:7)

More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-56249626

Nigeria: military kill Christian soldiers

Slaughtering Nigerian Christians continues unabated. An average of ten Christians are killed daily. A recent episode was at the hands of the government, which executed six Christian soldiers in Abuja on false charges. A Muslim colonel stole weapons from an armoury, but six Christian soldiers on duty got blamed for the theft. Their lawyer claimed they died ‘purely because they were Igbo and Christian. The government of today detests Christianity and detests the Igbo tribe.’ He had petitioned the government to provide a defence, but his attempt was denied and they were executed in secret. Nigeria’s constitution gives the military no authority to execute people, and prisoners should be able to appeal to a higher court. They didn’t get their rights. The military now claims that they were never executed, but they have not been seen by their families or in public.

Pray: for the Nigerian government to respond to the 28 groups demanding answers for the soldiers’ disappearance / execution. (Proverbs 15:14)

More: www.christianpost.com/news/nigerias-military-executes-6-christian-soldiers-on-false-charges.html

Nigeria: Chibok girls and Boko Haram

In 2014, militants stormed a boarding school in Chibok and kidnapped 276 girls. Dozens escaped almost immediately; another girl was found in May 2016. After government/Boko Haram negotiations, 21 more girls were released, then 82 were freed in a prisoner swap in 2017. Since then, nothing had been heard of the remaining captives, until Halima Ali Maiyanga called her father to say she had managed to escape on 28 January. ‘She asked me, Is this my daddy? and she started crying. The crying was so much I couldn't hear her very well. I was crying too. I never expected to hear from her again. Our house is full of people rejoicing with us.’ Halima and others are safe and being looked after by the Nigerian army. While we praise God for their escape, please continue to pray for the remaining girls and their families.

Pray: for the girls to have all the spiritual, emotional and physical support needed to fit back quickly into their communities. Pray for the girls still in captivity to have a chance to escape. (Philippians 1:6)

More: www.edition.cnn.com/2021/01/29/africa/nigeria-chibok-girls-escape-intl/index.html

Global: Christians murdered for faith up by 60%

Open Doors reports Christian persecution at a record high globally. The number of Christians murdered for their faith rose 60% in 2020. 340 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution through Islamic or communist oppression or Hindu nationalism. Even the pandemic has been used as an excuse by extremists and governments as a justification in several places. Indian local governments use pressure on Christians to withhold food and medical care. Over 115,000 incidents have been documented. In Nigeria Boko Haram attack Christian villages and take food and medical supplies. Pray for an end to the extra persecution because of Covid. New data show that China is using Facebook, Zoom, and Apple to threaten and censor Christians. There are 100 million Christians in China; the regime is using technology to watch their every move. When they go into church they are subject to facial recognition; their online searches are examined, and massive surveillance systems are monitoring religious practice.

Pray: for more wise conversations between human rights organisations and governments that will bring justice for the persecuted. (Matthew 5:10)

More: www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/cwn/2021/january/1-in-8-christians-now-persecuted-for-their-faith-here-are-the-most-dangerous-countries-to-be-a-christian-in-2021

Nigeria: ‘No evil will take away our faith’

A Christmas Eve attack by Boko Haram which left at least eleven dead and two church buildings razed to the ground prompted Nigerian bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme of Maiduguri to issue a rallying cry, insisting Islamist violence is doomed to failure. Bishop Oliver said he was undaunted by the attack in Pemi, near Chibok, where over 270 mostly Christian schoolgirls had been kidnapped in 2016. Speaking after the attack, in which a priest was abducted, he said, ‘One thing that Boko Haram will never take from us is our faith. We will never allow our faith to be taken away by any evil. Our faith is becoming stronger and stronger. 100 people were baptised in one parish on Christmas Eve. People are so committed.’ The Bishop said that Boko Haram’s actions were in fact strengthening the Christian faith; his diocese has more Catholics than when there was no Boko Haram crisis.

Pray: for God to continue to build His Church, and for the government to contain terrorism in 2021. (1 Peter 2:5)

More: acnuk.org/news/no-evil-will-take-away-out-faith/

Nigeria: struggles

Bullets fly overhead as schoolboys scream out in fear. Chaos. Shrapnel. Hundreds go missing. This was the scene last week when Boko Haram militants stormed a high-school in Katsina, northern Nigeria, to abduct hundreds of students, 400 remain missing. It is a horror story reminiscent of the 2014 kidnapping of schoolgirls that prompted the viral #BringBackOurGirls campaign. The attack came just weeks after the brutal slaying of Nigerian farmers in Borno state by militants on motorcycles (thirty were beheaded). Nigeria's population is 50% Christian and 50% Muslim with groups like Boko Haram subscribing to a warped interpretation of Islam that justifies murder of Christians. In practice, both Christians and Muslims have been targeted in recent years. Pray for the government to improve its standards and protect vulnerable communities. Pray the authorities will also terminate the Special Anti-Robbery Squad’s contract to end the torture and extrajudicial killings that it has engaged in.  STOP PRESS: it has now been reported that all the schoolboys have been released by Boko Haram. See

Pray: for peaceful neighbourhoods to replace religious and ethnic divisions; for President Buhari's government to end deadly militant attacks; Give thanks that the abducted boys have been released. (1 John 3:18)

More: us12.campaign-archive.com/

Nigeria: unrelenting insecurity as more farmers massacred

An attack on 28 November by Boko Haram terrorists on farmers working in rice fields in northeastern Nigeria killed at least 110 people. ‘The incident is the most violent direct attack against innocent civilians this year. Many women are also believed to have been kidnapped. Security forces and volunteer vigilante groups are searching to find people still missing. Locals say they recovered 43 bodies in villages near Maiduguri, the capital of the restive Borno state, which has been plagued by an armed campaign for over ten years. A local resident said, ‘Nobody knows the exact number of people killed. We can’t account for farmers who were there; we don’t know if they are hiding in the bush or if they were kidnapped.’ Pray for God to comfort the mourners. See also

Pray: for the kidnapped women to be returned to safety and for a review of Nigeria’s security system so that senseless attacks are prevented and perpetrators captured. (Isaiah 61:8)

More: www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/boko-haram-attack-killed-at-least-110-in-nigeria-un/2060088

Nigeria: Boko Haram attack leaves 110 dead

At least 110 people have been killed in an attack on a village in north-east Nigeria blamed on the Boko Haram jihadist group, according to the UN humanitarian coordinator in the country.

“At least 110 civilians were ruthlessly killed and many others were wounded in this attack,” Edward Kallon said in a statement after initial tolls indicated 43 and then at least 70 dead from the massacre on Saturday by suspected Boko Haram fighters.

Boko Haram kill dozens of farm workers in Nigeria

Read more

“The incident is the most violent direct attack against innocent civilians this year,” Kallon said, adding: “I call for the perpetrators of this heinous and senseless act to be brought to justice.”

The attack took place in the village of Koshobe near the main city of Maiduguri, with assailants targeting farmers on rice fields. The Borno state governor, Babagana Umara Zulum, attended the burial on Sunday in the nearby village of Zabarmari of 43 bodies recovered on Saturday, saying the toll could rise after search operations resumed.

The assailants tied up the agricultural workers and slit their throats, according to a pro-government anti-jihadist militia. The victims were among labourers from Sokoto state in north-west Nigeria, about 1,000km (600 miles) away, who had travelled to the north-east to find work, it said. Six others were wounded in the attack and eight remained missing as of Saturday.

Kallon cited “reports that several women may have been kidnapped”, and called for their immediate release and return to safety.

The Nigerian president, Muhammadu Buhari ,condemned the attack, saying: “The entire country has been wounded by these senseless killings.”

The attack took place as voters went to the polls in long-delayed local elections in Borno state. The polls had been repeatedly postponed because of an increase in attacks by Boko Haram and a rival dissident faction, ISWAP.

The two groups have been blamed for increasing attacks on loggers, farmers and fishermen, whom they accuse of spying for the army and pro-government militias.

More: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/nov/29/nigeria-attack-boko-haram-farm-workers-killed

Pray that the Nigerian government will escalate their intervention in this ongoing instability
Pray that the perpetrators will be held to account for these acts of heinous violence
Pray for the families and loved ones of the victims – for comfort for all those who mourn
Pray that the kidnapped women will be freed without coming to any harm
Pray for lasting peace to return to Nigeria

Prayer Points For The Week: Nov 29 – Dec 5, 2020


(A) PRAISE, WORSHIP & GIVE THANKS TO GOD for all you can remember (B) CONFESS ALL SINS ask for forgiveness; then truly REPENT i.e. Act, change your ways in line with God’s word; live in obedience


Our Father and our God, we come to You in thanksgiving and appreciation for the promises You gave to us earlier in the year as a Church and as a nation which led to the intensity of prayers building up to our 60th Independence Anniversary. We thank You that Your promises in You are Yea and Amen to Your glory (2 Cor 1:20).. As we come, we declare that You are our light and salvation (Ps 27:1) and present ourselves to You in the different stages that we are: that you keep the strong going on, confirm the faith of the doubtful and lift up the weak, weary and confused that in Your Light, we will all see the light (Ps. 136:9); speak clearly to reveal to us where we are in Your plan and agenda and help us to together go on in faith to take the nation for Your glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

PRAYER 1: O Lord, encouraged by Your strength, we resolve to take the battle to the gate of Your enemies (Is. 28 1-5) According to Your Word, let there be upon our heads, Your diadems of beauty and Your crowns of glory and cause there to be a revelation of Your strong and mighty One that brings to the ground, the pompous and prod heads of those intoxicated with power who have continued in injustice, tyranny, oppression and wickedness in this land, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

PRAYER 2: O that You would rend the heavens, O LORD (Is 64:1) and, that You would roar from on high and come down that Your Church and the inhabitants of the nation might fear before You. Let there be a total destruction and consumption of the well-executed plans of Your enemies in this land that have lasted more than 200 years; reveal the hiding places of their strengths and bring a revelation of their weaknesses that will bring their agenda and orchestrations crashing down, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

PRAYER 3: Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, we take authority over you mistress of witchcrafts operating in Nigeria, that sells nations through your whoredoms, and families through your witchcrafts (Nahum 3:4-6), concerning every spirit of blindness, dumbness and deafness which you have released and operated in Nigeria by which the people have been incapacitated, today we judge you and reveal the east wind of God against you and these spirits, we sack you and them from operation in this land and decree that the liberty of the spirit of God and freedom will once again flourish ring across the land, in Jesus name. Amen.

PRAYER 4: We pray further concerning you mistress of witchcrafts and sorceries, who by your assignment, sells nations and families. Today, in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we search every foundation and subsequent transaction through which each of the nationalities of Nigeria has been corruptly negotiated and sold through greed, avarice, compromise, demonic covenants and associations and we purge each one and their effects upon each of the nations with the blood of Jesus. We command and declare a setting free of the nations making up Nigeria. As the Lord uncovers your skirts, we decree and declare the revelation of every remaining secret, hidden strength and reinforcements by which you carry on your operations, in Jesus mighty name. Amen. PRAYER 5: Father, we bring before You the noise and tumult of the enemy, the commotion and terror of its agents and foot-soldiers, the aggression of its principal agents and urge that You remember that these were brought on at the outset against Your people. Lord, because Your Word says whoever digs a pit shall fall into it, (Prov 26:27), we call upon You and declare that the violence and insecurity that have become the byproducts of these actions will go on to consume the perpetrators completely and irredeemably, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

PRAYER 6:Dear Lord, Your Word declares that whatever collides with the name of Jesus shall be broken into pieces and whatever that name falls upon will be ground to powder(Lk 20:18). Today, every person, throne, power, kingdom, institution or altar that exalts itself above Your knowledge, their priests and their altars and every chain, barrier, hindrance and arrangement contrary to the fulfillment of Your Word and promises concerning Nigeria be visited with judgment, in Jesus’ name. Amen

PRAYER 7: According to the Word of the Lord in Isaiah 66:8, I call forth the birthing of the New Nation of Nigeria as You have promised without any hindrance and we ask that the midwives of heaven and earth aid her emergence to fulfill the ordained purpose of God, in Jesus’ Name, Amen

Pray other prayers you are led or burdened to pray; including prayers that the recent protests will advance God’s purposes for Nigeria; prayers for release of Leah Sharibu and others; that the older generation in Nigeria be shaken from lethargy and be emboldened to speak up and fulfill their roles in the birthing of the new nation of Nigeria; for USA elections that only God’s choice of President shall emerge and God’s righteousness cover the earth, etc.

REGISTER & INVITE OTHERS: Be part of this 24x7 prayer chain. Please choose your day and time in the week to pray for 30 mins; then register at http://repent.csmnigeria.org You will receive prayer points regularly. This will also enable us to track coverage of each day and week. Please share and invite others too. Thank you.

Nigeria: police chief vows to take back streets

Protests against police brutality subsided after a violent crackdown: see Now the police chief has ordered more police resources after the curfew gave way to widespread vandalism and looting, including government food warehouses stripped bare. Shopping malls, TV stations, and banks were targeted, and also retail stores in popular Lagos shopping districts. Violence and looting have been reported in most states. Amnesty International said, ‘The turmoil has seen the worst street violence since Nigeria’s return to civilian rule in 1999. Wealthy politicians and individuals have been looted, emboldening hoodlums that crimes of this magnitude are achievable. In an effort to quell unrest, the government announced that the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) would be disbanded, and promised a host of reforms. But demonstrators are sceptical of government promises without clearly-specified timeframes. Pray for the police to successfully and peacefully prevent further hooliganism. See also

Pray: for President Muhammadu Buhari to establish economic and social justice, and honour his promise to disband SARS. (Proverbs 24:24-25)

More: www.nytimes.com/2020/10/24/world/africa/Nigeria-protests.html

Call to Pray for Nigeria

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Amidst many tense situations around the world, we are urgently needing to call our friends across the global church to a dedicated time of breakthrough prayer for Nigeria.

Curfews are being imposed across the country following two weeks of protests and disorder focused against police brutality.  It is reported that 12 protestors were killed by soldiers in Lagos on Tuesday.

IPC’s West Africa Director, Austen Ukachi is a Senior Pastor based in Lagos, Nigeria. He has prepared the following briefing and prayer points.

Please let’s act on this in Nigeria’s time of need, and share this with our contacts and fellow networks.

Call to Pray for Nigeria


On Friday, 9 October 2020, a peaceful protest by a handful of youths in Lagos State, Nigeria under the hashtag ENDSARS commenced. This demonstration was triggered by a viral video on the social media showing SARS (Special Anti-Robbery Squad) Police officers shooting a young Nigerian in front of Wetland Hotel, Ughelli, Delta State.

SARS was an arm of the Nigerian Police formed in 1992 to tackle rising cases of armed robbery and violent crime in Nigeria. However, over time, SARS lost its way and adopted the ‘Gestapo style’ in their operation, hounding mostly innocent youths into detention and causing the death of some of them. Unfortunately, many Nigerians began to perceive SARS as worse than the problem it was created to solve.

The protest, therefore, gave vent to the anger and discontent that had built up in the youths through the years. The demonstrations did not appear as one that was pre-planned but a response from the younger generation who trooped out in different cities as events developed. It was a demonstration that was technology-driven and spread over the Nation and beyond in a few days.

Prayer walks were happening simultaneously with the protests. Young Christian men and women mobilised themselves to join in the protests but with the intention to pray for Nigeria. Church leaders and major denominations also participated in this aspect of the events.

The Nigerian Government responded by disbanding SARS and hastily setting up a new unit to be known as SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) team. The youths were not satisfied with this measure especially as they realised that this would basically mean recycling the same personnel from SARS to SWAT without addressing the fundamental issues in their protest, namely the prosecution of all those who were indicted for crime.

As the protests continued, violence began to creep in. Hoodlums allegedly sponsored by the Government and other interest groups began to attack the peaceful demonstrators. The Nigerian Military also announced a nation-wide exercise code-named Operation Crocodile Smile to coincide with the demonstrations. Many people saw this as a ploy by Government to use force to stop the protests. That is why soldiers have been accused to be responsible for the killing of several protesters at the Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos, on 20TH October 2020. Though this has been denied by the Nigerian Military but video evidence appear to confirm the allegation.

From that moment, the protests turned violent, irate youths went on the loose, burning and destroying government properties; hoodlums also began to loot shops and attack innocent citizens. The chaos has led several state governments in Nigeria to impose 24-hour curfew to curtail the rampage of the youths.

Notwithstanding what has happened and is developing, there is a paradigm shift in Nigeria and we believe that things cannot remain the same again.


In the light of the above, the Church of God ought at this stage to engage in ceaseless prayers and intercession at family levels, churches and online platforms.

Nigeria is desperately in need of prayers from the global Church. Please join us to pray along the following lines:

  • Thank the Lord that we are beginning to see the fulfilment of some of the things He had spoken in the past concerning Nigeria. Declare Isaiah 25:9
  • Declare Jeremiah 3:23 and affirm our faith and confidence in the Lord alone.
  • Bring repentance over the atrocities and wickedness perpetrated by SARS over the years; the injustices, corruption, maladministration that has subjected the younger generation to the dehumanization and under-utilization of their God given talents and skills.
  • Bring repentance over the excessive bloodletting in Nigeria, especially the killing of unarmed youths at the Lekki Toll Gate on Tuesday 20 October 2020.
  • Declare that the Lord would have His way in what is happening presently. Isaiah 46:10; Acts 15:18
  • May God raise up credible voices and leaders amongst the youths, locally and internationally, who will coordinate and guide them through this generational shift.
  • Pray that the eyes of our leaders will be open, that they make decisions that would honour God and that will free the next generation
  • Resist the wicked one and declare that neither Satan nor the Nigerian Government would be able to abort what God has begun to do in Nigeria. Isaiah 14:26-27; Job 5:12.
  • Pray that this would not be like the “Arab Spring” which turned out to be “Arab Winter!”
  • Pray for God to restrain violence and to protect all peoples living in Nigeria who are suffering uncertainty and fear.
  • Pray against the spirits responsible for bloodletting in Nigeria. Let us decree that there shall be no further loss of innocent lives in Nigeria through this crisis.
  • Pray for the soldiers and Police officers charged with ensuring peace and security. May the Spirit of God overshadow them and ensure they do their jobs with the fear of God.
  • Pray that God would use this crisis to lead entire cities and communities to Christ.
  • Pray that Christians would be unified behind one thing - the gospel of Jesus Christ; that they would not succumb to the trick of the enemy to factionalise the Body of Christ
  • Pray against the attempt to give the protests a tribal colouration and thereby pitching one tribe against another.
  • Pray that this ongoing development will lead to revival in Nigeria, a great move of God among the youths, in the family, Church, corporate world, Governance and in all spheres of the society. Remind God of His promise in Numbers 14:21; Isaiah 11:6-9

Austen Ukachi – West Africa Director
International Prayer Connect

If my people...



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