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Chad / Nigeria: Cameroon military frees 300 Boko Haram captives

Cameroon’s military has rescued over 300 civilians, mostly women and children, from Boko Haram captivity along the borders with Nigeria and Chad. The operation, called Alpha, took place over the past week and involved around 200 government troops. Oumar Fatime, a vegetable farmer from Ngouboua, Chad, described her abduction by Boko Haram fighters on 17 April and the subsequent threat to kill her and others if ransoms were not paid. Cameroon state TV aired footage of the rescued civilians arriving at a military camp in Dabanga. The operation, which also involved seizing weapons, explosives, motorcycles, and bicycles, was supported by troops from Chad and Nigeria. Many Boko Haram militants were killed or wounded. Boko Haram violence has resulted in over 36,000 deaths and displaced three million people since 2009 across Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger, and Chad.

Pray: for emotional and physical healing and recovery for the rescued captives and their families. Pray for the terrorists to be brought to justice. (Psalm 147:3)
More: https://shorturl.at/v4q1Rhttps://shorturl.at/v4q1R

Nigeria: fuel shortages causing major problems

Nigeria is grappling with a severe fuel shortage, exacerbating the hardships faced by its citizens (especially those reliant on public transport). Long queues for fuel have emerged in major cities, and prices have surged by over 15%. Authorities attribute the shortage to logistical challenges disrupting supply chains. Despite being a top crude oil producer in Africa, Nigeria frequently experiences petrol shortages due to strikes and supply disruptions. The state oil firm has accused fuel companies of exploiting the situation for profit. While Nigeria recently opened Africa's largest refinery in Lagos, it currently only produces diesel and aviation fuel. With the inflation rate over 30%, the government has just announced a 35% pay increase for civil servants, but the monthly minimum salary rate is still unchanged. See

Pray: for the talks between the government and the main labour unions about the minimum wage to have a positive outcome. (Philippians 4:19)
More: www.africanews.com/2024/05/01/nigerians-struggle-with-fuel-shortages-as-queues-form-across-major-cities/

Nigeria: charismatic church leader accused of multiple cases of abuse

The BBC has exposed evidence of widespread abuse and torture by TB Joshua, the founder of one of the world's largest Christian evangelical churches, the Synagogue Church of All Nations. The two-year investigation revealed multiple eyewitness accounts of physical violence, torture, child abuse, and individuals being whipped and chained by him. Many women reported sexual assault, with some claiming repeated rape over the years within the compound. Forced abortions allegedly followed the rapes, with one woman claiming five terminations. Additionally, there were accounts of Joshua staging fake ‘miracle healings’ in broadcasts to millions worldwide. One British victim, Rae, shared her harrowing experience of being sexually assaulted, enduring solitary confinement for two years, and attempting suicide multiple times. The church did not respond to these allegations but has previously denied similar claims. Joshua died in 2021: his church, now led by his wife, still attracts pilgrims from around the world.

Pray: for the full truth to be revealed, and for the victims to receive adequate reparation and healing. (Psalm 37:5,6)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-67749215www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-67749215www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-67749215

Nigeria: ‘persistent, pervasive, proliferating, and growing’ persecution ignored by world

A never-ending massacre of Christians being ‘killed for sport’ is reportedly happening in Nigeria, yet the world appears to be largely deaf to it. While much of the world was celebrating a beginning - Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ - in Nigeria they were mourning the end of many lives. Armed bandits ran amok, according to Amnesty International, in some twenty communities across central Nigeria, killing at least 140. In a country where accurate statistics are traditionally hard to come by, some sources have put the death toll closer to 200. The Christians were killed in a wide swath across an invisible line that separates the mostly Muslim north and the predominantly Christian south in the country’s Plateau State. One commentator on social media asked: ‘When is the protest march scheduled for?’

Pray: that in 2024 the world’s attention will be focussed much more on these killings. Pray for the many who are grieving. (2 Cor. 1:3,4)
More: http://www.gellerreport.com/2023/12/world-ignores-muslims-butchering-and-slaughtering-christians-for-sport-in-nigeria-50000-and-counting.html

Nigeria: Fulani militant attacks worsen

Following the killing of 21 Christians and critical injuries to ten more in the Plateau by Fulani militants, believers are increasingly at risk and calling for action from leaders. The violence erupted when Fulani herdsmen set buildings alight in Heipang, an area where many displaced Christians from surrounding villages have been staying. Masara Kim, a Jos journalist, told a Catholic charity that after setting the houses ablaze, they aimed their assault rifles at those trying to flee from the fires. He said, ‘About half of the victims were burnt beyond recognition. At least five of them were infants. It was a heartbreaking scene to witness. They were given a mass burial in a rain-soaked mass grave. These are poor villagers who do not even have money for food, much less for coffins. There were witnesses, but authorities failed to identify the perpetrators.’

Pray: for survivors who saw their family members murdered to receive God’s comfort, and for the authorities to track down the criminals. (Psalm 31:14-15)
More: premierchristian.news/en/news/article/fulani-militants-killed-21-christians-in-nigera-calls-for-change-as-attacks-worsen

Migration boosts Manchester churches

Migrant communities from West Africa and India are renewing and revitalising Manchester churches. As many of them work at hospitals, Fr Paul Hutchins has added a mid-week service to make attendance easier for people working at weekends. He also encourages members to shape the worship, bringing hymns and prayers from their churches of origin, helping them feel as at home as possible. He says, ‘Five years ago we had sparks of promise as a multicultural congregation, but in a short space of time we have seen huge increases in new worshippers from Ghana, Nigeria, and South India.’ Three churches in the diocese have seen huge boosts to their congregations, mostly thanks to the families which have migrated to the area.

Praise: God for Fr Paul leading the way in meeting his congregation where they are at and helping them make the Anglican churches their spiritual home. (Matthew 16:18)
More: premierchristian.news/en/news/article/migration-brings-huge-boost-to-parish-churches

Nigeria: Bishop dismissed Islamising fears

Speaking to Aid to the Church in Need, Bishop Kukah of Sokoto, who criticised previous governments’ failure to curb extremist violence and protect Christians, welcomed the new president, Bola Tinubu, and vice-president, Kashim Mustapha, despite fears over them both being Muslims. Bishop Kukah said he has known Tinubu for 20 years and has worked with Kashim Shettima. Referring to the fact that Tinubu is married to a Christian, Shettima said a man who has not Islamised his family will not Islamise Nigeria. Bishop Kukah stressed that politicians should not be assessed by their religion but by their capacity and competence and how they see justice, fairness, and equity, adding ‘Of course, I would like a Catholic president, but he would not govern Catholics, he would govern Nigeria.

Pray: for Nigeria’s people to be governed by leaders with integrity who will build a better country without any religious prejudice or persecution. (Exodus 18:21)
More: https://acnuk.org/news/nigeria-bishops-rejects-anxieties-new-president-will-islamise-nigeria/https://acnuk.org/news/nigeria-bishops-rejects-anxieties-new-president-will-islamise-nigeria/

Nigeria: urgent prayer request

A Nigerian Christian has asked for urgent prayer for his country, particularly Plateau state and Benue state where Fulani herdsmen are once again attacking vulnerable Christians. He said, ‘Many are dead and many more displaced. In parts of Plateau state a government curfew has been imposed and the army is trying to restore peace’. Pray for God to bring an end to the violence in northern and central Nigeria. Ask Him to comfort and provide for all those who have been bereaved, to provide the necessary physical and mental healing for the injured, and to give hope and peace to those who have been displaced by the recent attacks. Pray that the military will be effective in stopping further violence.

Pray: for families who have fled their homes, leaving behind their crops and livelihoods. May God raise up agencies to provide food, water and shelter. (Philippians 4:19-20)
More: mailchi.mp/releaseinternational/prayer-alert-urgent-request-from-nigeria

Nigeria: Christians barbarically murdered

90% of all Christians killed worldwide are in Nigeria. Christians live in a constant state of terror, fearing abduction, torture, and murder by radical Islamic jihadists. Boko Haram and Nigeria’s arm of IS slaughter innocent Christians and burn down Christian churches. One survivor stated, ‘I saw bodies in the street: children and women, some were crying for help.’ Some attackers even pose as preachers to slaughter Christian congregants and kidnap Christian children. Fulani herdsmen are also increasing their barbaric persecution of Nigerian Christians. They have slaughtered thousands: it's genocide. The American Centre for Law and Justice is launching a multi-pronged legal advocacy campaign, urging the UN, USA, and world leaders to take urgent action. Its global offices are expanding their most extensive campaign for the persecuted Church ever undertaken, filing lawsuits, advocacy letters, and legal submissions to the UN - saying, ‘Together we can protect Christians in Nigeria from the growing scourge of jihadist persecution’.

Pray: for the petitions, negotiations with the UN, and all that is being done to end the bloodshed and displacement of Christians to be successful. (Proverbs 16:3)
More: aclj.org/persecuted-church/protect-nigerias-dying-christians-from-brutal-persecution

Africa: rivers of Christian blood

The 16 June murder of 45 Christian schoolchildren is the latest anti-Christian atrocity committed by ADF. They were hacked to death, shot, or burned alive. Others were abducted. ADF pledges loyalty to IS and has slaughtered hundreds of Christians in north-eastern DRC. Nigeria’s Middle Belt has seen over 1,500 Christians killed in the last 18 months. In May IS released a video of 20 Nigerian Christians being murdered. Islamic State Mozambique (ISM) have beheaded thousands of Christians on social media. ISM celebrates building its Islamic province ‘on heaps of Christian corpses and rivers of their blood’. A Middle East Media Research Institute report stated that IS and al-Qaeda, having been beaten back from Middle East strongholds, have found new pastures for genocide in Africa. They follow the same tactics of mass killings, execution-style beheadings, and burning churches, celebrated in slickly produced publications and social media campaigns designed to entice the next generation of bloodthirsty Islamist terrorists.

Pray: for the Lord to be in control, for His enemies to be thwarted and for His people’s prayers for protection to be answered. (Matthew 13:43 AMP)
More: www.barnabasaid.org/gb/news/editorial-islamists-spilling-rivers-of-christian-blood-in-africa/

Niger: Believers respond to persecution

In the city of Maradi, a growing number of Fulani men and women are encountering Jesus, but it’s enraging Fulani Muslims, who use different tactics to persecute Christians. In response, Open Doors local partners ran persecution survival training for 120 new believers. ‘Thanks to this training, my eyes are opened to how to respond to persecution,’ says Lydia. ‘I now understand that these are the footsteps that Jesus Christ left for all those who believe in Him. Persecution is inevitable, but we must stand strong, and we should pray for our persecutors.’ ‘I am blessed with the Word of God; I have strategies to overcome the persecution,’ adds Zeinabou. ‘I never knew anything about persecution response, but now my eyes are open - I am more than victorious, I must overcome persecution because Jesus is with me, and He will never let me down.’

Pray: for this training to reach and impact more Fulani believers, for more Fulani Muslims to learn about and believe in Jesus as the Fulani Christians pray for their persecutors. (Luke 6:27,28)
More: https://www.opendoorsuk.org/news/latest-news/nigeria-niger-togo-impact/

Nigeria: Kaduna state massacre and Christian persecution

At least 27 people were killed in a wave of violence that targeted Christian communities in Nigeria's Kaduna state. International Christian Concern (ICC), a US-based persecution watchdog, suspects that the attacks were aimed at preventing Christians from voting in the gubernatorial election.

The attackers, who had previously killed 17 people in the Agwan Wakili area in Kaduna, returned and struck the Mubushi and Langson communities, killing at least 10 people. Witnesses suggested that the attack was carried out to prevent Christians from voting. A local leader called it a "political massacre of Christians" in areas where the ruling All Progressives Congress party was likely to lose the election. Christian rights groups have warned for years about the deteriorating religious freedom conditions in Nigeria, where Boko Haram and the Islamic State operate. The country ranks No. 6 on the Open Doors 2023 World Watch List of the top 50 worst countries for Christian persecution.

More:  Christian Post

Pray:   Heavenly Father, we pray for the families of the victims of the recent attacks on Christian communities in Nigeria. We ask for your comfort and peace to be with them during this difficult time. We take refuge in your word, which says in Psalm 34:18, "The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Lord, we pray for your protection and safety over the Christian communities in Nigeria who are facing persecution and violence. We pray that you would be their refuge and strength, as your word says in Psalm 46:1, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."

God, we pray for the leaders of Nigeria and for all those in positions of authority to take action against the violence and persecution faced by Christians in the country. We pray that they would heed your word in Proverbs 31:8-9, which says, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

If my people...



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