Nigerian missionary in China: We have the fire of God

IG, a Nigerian missionary in China for two decades, faced immense hardship during his first two years, often going without food and shelter. Despite these challenges, his determination to fulfill God's call kept him going. He had a transformative experience in Nigeria, where he found faith during high school, initially attending Bible studies to impress a girl but eventually feeling a deep conviction to give his life to Jesus. At 18, after his spiritual awakening, he pursued a path of outreach and ministry. Feeling called to be a missionary, he initially attempted to go to Korea but ended up in China after a layover in Hong Kong. There, he struggled with homelessness and hunger but persevered, eventually connecting with other Nigerians and finding stability. IG began ministering in Guangzhou, where he married a Chinese translator and had three children. His work faced instability due to government crackdowns, leading him to rebuild his ministry multiple times. Despite these challenges, he continues to lead two churches, noting the Chinese appreciation for African preachers, who are seen as having "God's fire."

Praise: God for IG's unwavering faith and perseverance, spreading the Gospel and growing God’s Church in China. (James 1:12)