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Nigeria: Five Christian youths to be hanged

Muslim Fulani herders do not make the headlines as often as Boko Haram. Christians in the northeast state of Adamawa have fled because of Boko Haram, only to return and find their property occupied by Muslim Fulani herders. Five Christian youths have been sentenced to hang for killing one Fulani herdsman who in turn had allegedly killed 48 people. Who is stopping the violence? Where is the government's protection for citizens? Where is justice? The lack of response by Nigeria's security services is seen as complicit in crimes against Christians. The Numan Federation in Adamawa is the only predominantly Christian area remaining in northern Nigeria. In recent years migration of Muslim Fulani herdsmen into that area has increased. The judicial, military, and security agencies are all controlled by non-Christians and many fear that the Muslim President may use the violence as an excuse to cancel the 2019 elections and remain in power.

Pray: for world leaders/countries to exert pressure on President Buhari to protect of all of Nigeria's citizens, particularly the minority Christians. (Ezra 9:9)

More: http://win1040.com/post.php?id=44190&cat=EPA

Nigeria: Genocide of Christians Ignored

“In what the Christian Association of Nigeria is calling a “pure genocide,” 238 more Christians were killed and churches desecrated by Muslims last week in the west African nation.  This brings the death toll of Christians to more than 6,000 since the start of 2018.

According to a joint statement by the Christian Association, an umbrella group of various Christian denominations, “There is no doubt that the sole purpose of these attacks is aimed at ethnic cleansing, land grabbing and forceful ejection of the Christian natives from their ancestral land and heritage.”  See: https://viewpointnigeria.com/stop-this-senseless-and-bloodshedding-in-the-middlebelt-can-tells-buhari/

Christians protest outside Nigerian High Commission

On 18 July a protest was organised by Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) outside the Nigerian High Commission in London, to mark 150 days since 15-year-old Leah Sharibu was kidnapped by Boko Haram in Yobe state, Nigeria. Leah was one of 110 schoolgirls abducted on 19 February from the a local government college. Five died during the ordeal and the rest were freed, but Leah remained in captivity as she refused to renounce her faith. CSW’s CEO Mervyn Thomas said, ‘It's very important to remember that this is not just a protest - this is prayer and protest. CSW believes in those two things going together. So we're hoping first of all that God will answer prayer, but we're also hoping that the Nigerian government will take action.’

Pray: for God to answer all the prayers for Leah’s safe release. (Psalm 88:2)

More: www.premierchristianradio.com/News/UK/Christians-mark-150-days-since-Nigerian-girl-was-held-captive-for-her-faith

Nigeria: international community ignores Christian genocide

On 15 July the Christian Association of Nigeria reported that in the previous week 238 Christians were killed and more churches desecrated by Muslims. This puts the total number of Christians killed as 6,000+ since January. This is genocide. A joint communiqué from the Christian Association, representing different denominations, said, ‘There is no doubt that the sole purpose of these attacks is ethnic cleansing, land seizure and the forced expulsion of Christian natives from their land and ancestral heritage.’ The statement condemned recent attacks, where 2,000+ people had been brutally murdered and churches destroyed without any security intervention despite the various calls for help that were made. Taking into account that Christians constitute more than 50% of the Nigerian population, it is obvious that the objective of the Islamists is to create serious conflicts that, if not controlled, can lead to another civil war. Also, floods are killing many and ruining crops, raising fears of food shortages. See https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/07/nigeria-floods-worsen-food-shortages-180715120551293.html

Pray: for God to end the false presentation of Christian genocide as struggles between ‘shepherds and farmers’, leaving unpunished those who murder Christians. (Psalm 45:4)

More: www.gatestoneinstitute.org/12645/christians-genocide-nigeria

Voodoo nurse guilty of sex trafficking

A London-based nurse has been convicted of trafficking five Nigerian women into Germany to work as prostitutes after subjecting them to ‘voodoo’ rituals. Josephine Lyamu forced them to swear oaths to hand over money to her during ‘juju’ ceremonies. Praise God for the successful prosecution. The women had been psychologically manipulated and financially exploited, as well as sexually abused. This is the first conviction under the Modern Slavery Act, passed in 2015. See also the IJM prayer requests in the ‘World’ section.

Praise: for the restoration of the women's lives. Pray for more successful UK convictions. (1 Samuel 18:14)

More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-44645937

Prayer for the persecuted Church in Nigeria and Africa

Some of the harshest persecution of Christians is in Nigeria and other parts of especially Muslim-inhabited Africa. Here are two reportsfrom well-respected African leaders:

  1. It was reported that on 4thFebruary, 2017, the US Congress affirmed that the most dangerous nation on earth for anyone to be a Christian is Nigeria.
  2. There are five notable Islamist terror groups worldwide. The 1stmost terrible is Boko Haram and the 4this Fulani herdsmen. Both 1stand 4th operate in Nigeria.
  3. According to World Watch Monitor, over 60% of global Christian fatalities as a result of persecution are Nigerian Christians killed in Nigeria.
  4. A research report by Arne Mulder affirms that as of December 2014, over 13,000 Church buildings have been destroyed and abandoned in northern Nigeria.
  5. The current Federal Administration in Nigeria is openly pursuing an anti-Christian agenda that has resulted in countless murders of Christians all over the nation and destruction of vulnerable Christian communities. Just recently, Elder Statesman Gen. T. Y. Danjuma raised an alert that Christians should take steps to defend themselves.
  6. Mass burial of Christian victims of Jihad is becoming a regular occurrence in Nigeria. The most recent one was done by the Catholic Church a few days ago.
  7. Christians have been emasculated out of the security infrastructure in the country.

Reuben Ezemadu
International Director, CMF Inc
Continental Coordinator, MANI

E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

GAFCON: authority of Scripture for all nations

British evangelist Rico Tice spoke at GAFCON, warning that God would take His power, spirit and gospel outside the Anglican institution if Anglicans leaders do not submit to scripture and repent of sin. He said he could relate to Rev Behan when he said he wept and grieved over New Zealand’s church; adding, ‘To come here and see the largest collection of Anglicans for the last 50 years meet together and have a Nigerian bishop rebuke us about our sin was so refreshing.’ He said that the road to ruin in Britain is defined by tolerance and permissiveness, doing what you please, thinking what you please. ‘In a way I come to GAFCON partly grieving but also delighted to find a family that is Anglican, that I can trust, who submit to the Lord Jesus and to Scripture. There’s a loss of nerve in the Church because culture is intolerant of people holding onto the uniqueness of Jesus and his high and holy standards.’

Pray: for today’s Church to recognise that salvation’s gate is narrow. (2 Timothy 3:16)

More: http://vimeo.com/275769735

Nigeria: Christians still being ambushed and killed

On 10 June Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed two Christians and seriously wounded another in central Nigeria. Ibrahim Weyi, 45, and Larry More, 53, were hacked to death when herdsmen ambushed them as they were going home on a motorcycle from an evening worship service.  A third Christian, 23-year-old Samuel Weyi, was wounded and is in intensive care. Lawrence Zango said, ‘Fulani herdsmen have continued to kill innocent Christians in our villages, yet the Nigerian government has not taken proactive measures to end the onslaught.’ President Muhammadu Buhari is also a Fulani Muslim.  A spokesman for the Plateau State Command said an investigation is under way. Herdsmen attacks on Christian communities in the Bassa area intensified late last year and have continued in spite of the presence of military personnel. Victims are either ambushed and killed or attacked in their homes at night.

Pray: for President Buhari’s military to end Christian persecution. (Job 26:2)

More: http://morningstarnews.org/2018/06/two-christians-ambushed-killed-in-central-nigeria/

Nigeria: crime and violence

Criminal gangs raid villages and steal cattle in bloody attacks. Earlier this month, 71 died after a bloody clash between armed bandits and militiamen. The kidnappers took advantage of a security lull on the road as a result of local elections taking place. Kidnappings for ransom often happen. A Syrian construction worker was kidnapped in Sokoto. Police dispatched to rescue him were ambushed by the kidnappers, and three were killed in the fight. Nigeria is battling an array of security threats across the country, from Boko Haram jihadists, oil militants, nomadic Fulani tribesmen, and criminal gangs kidnapping for profit. Churches are desecrated, Christians slaughtered, and women, girls and young men are kidnapped or forced into suicide missions.

Pray: for President Muhammadu Buhari and his resources to curb violence. (Isaiah 45:5)

More: www.vanguardngr.com/2018/05/birnin-gwari-kidnap-kidnappers-started-contacting-families-ransom/

Nigeria: gunmen attack bishop

The Bishop of Makurdi, Nathan Inyom, was attacked by gunmen in Nigeria’s Benue state on 6 May. None of the five passengers (who included his wife Becky and his chaplain) was injured, but his car was stolen in the attack. Benue is an area that has been beset by increasing levels of violence in recent weeks. Last month two Catholic priests, Joseph Gor and Felix Tyolaha, were killed when herdsmen stormed the church in Ukpor where they were celebrating Mass. ‘This was an attack on everything that we ever stood for and believed in’, a spokesman said. See

Pray: for safety for all Christian leaders, and for peace in the whole of Nigeria. (Luke 1:79)

More: http://thenationonlineng.net/gunmen-attack-anglican-bishop-2/

CAN PRESS CONFERENCE: Islamist Insurgents Pushing Nigeria Off The Edge Of The Precipice


Nigeria: Year of Prayer Launches 1st May 2018

We bring you Calvary greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) having considered the current state of the nation is organizing a ONE YEAR of PRAYER PROJECT.

The Year of Prayer is scheduled to launch on May 1st 2018 until April 30th 2019.

It will involve all Pentecostal denominations, Para-Church Prayer Ministries, Women and Christian Youth Ministries and Fellowships under PFN and University Campus Fellowships across Nigeria.

We would like to invite our diasporas, international partners and supporters in prayer to join us.

A rolling monthly prayer guide has been prepared, and is available from our website here: http://www.pray4nigeria.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=317&Itemid=290

Please help us to get the message out.  We so value your joining in prayer and intercession with us at this crucial and challenging time for our nation. 

We pray for restoration of the glory of the Lord, His Church and our land in line with Scriptures, (Joel 2:17).

May the Lord strengthen and give you grace.

Yours in Him

Pastor Austen Ukachi | Rev. (Mrs.) Mercy Ezekiel

For the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria

http://www.pray4nigeria.org/  |  http://www.pfn.org.ng/

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