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Nigeria: Promised extra aid from US blocked

On Monday President Barack Obama met Nigeria's new leader Muhammadu Buhari and discussed ongoing plans to defeat Boko Haram. Obama praised Buhari's integrity and Buhari claimed to have a very clear agenda in defeating Boko Haram extremists inside his country. The Obama administration has pledged $5 million to Nigeria's military since Buhari's election earlier this year. Obama said Nigeria is ‘one of the most important countries’ in Africa, and he and Buhari discussed combatting corruption, public health concerns and climate change. On Wednesday it was discovered that the US Leahy Law which prevents the government selling arms to countries which fail to tackle human rights abuses applies to Nigeria. However the Nigerian military does not possess appropriate weapons and technology to address the ‘human rights violations’, and the agreement between the two presidents would have released this technology to Nigeria. On Thursday President Buhari said, ‘Unwittingly, and I dare say unintentionally, the application of the Leahy Law Amendment by the United States government has aided and abetted the Boko Haram terrorists.’

Pray: that God will cement this partnership. Pray for appropriate military technical support and help to rebuild damaged communities in north-east Nigeria. (Ps.127:1)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-33634607

Global: Christians around the world - dying for Christ

When a Nigerian pastor learned that his daughter, kidnapped by Boko Haram, refused to convert to Islam he said, ‘To die for the sake of Christ, that's the happiest thing for me. I'm grateful that she didn't change her religion. She trusted in God’. He was told that the terrorists dug a hole, buried her up to her neck, and stoned her to death. His wife added, ‘I believe she died with dignity. Monica is now in heaven because she refused to convert.’ The widow of one of the 21 Egyptian Christians beheaded by IS last February has made a similar statement, testifying that she ‘was very proud’ her husband ‘stood firm in his faith and that he didn't deny Jesus.’ Many believe that Christians in the West will face increasing persecution in coming years. In January Britain's security chief warned that al-Qaeda is planning ‘mass casualty attacks against the West.’

Pray: that Christians everywhere will continue to feed on the Word of God, develop their relationship with Jesus are filled with the Holy Spirit and will continue to stand in the face of opposition. (Eph.6:13)
More: http://www.christianheadlines.com/columnists/denison-forum/father-rejoices-that-daughter-died-for-christ.html

Boko Haram members come to Jesus

Boko Haram is not driving Christians away. Evangelists have expanded church planting in Nigeria's northeast by meeting the needs of displaced people. Their courage has seen members of Boko Haram repenting and putting their faith in Christ. Boko Haram is killing people, but this indigenous ministry is discreetly working in villages and in camps for the internally displaced. They are offering humanitarian assistance and proclaiming Christ at a time when few are bold enough to do so. ‘There are 70,000+ people in the
camps, so it is a mission field for us,’ said the director of the indigenous ministry.

‘We used to reach them with the gospel in their villages, but now we reach them with the gospel, food, medicine and Bibles.’ Former Boko Haram members are being discipled in safe-havens and have shown a strong interest in learning the Bible, ridding themselves of anything grievous to God and becoming spiritually grounded so they can reach other Muslims.

Pray: God for using established ministries at this time to reach the unreachable. (Mt.5:14)
More: http://www.christianaid.org/News/2015/mir20150702.aspx

Nigeria: Another bomb blast kills 25

A suspected suicide bomber targeted civil servants at a government building in Zaria city, killing 25 and wounding 32. Boko Haram, which often targets northern Nigeria, has stepped up attacks since President Buhari took office in May. The group has not yet commented on the latest attack, which came a day after police chief Solomon Arase announced new measures to curb the rise in bombings. The measures include banning street trading and hawking in Abuja, and strengthening security at all mosques and churches countrywide. Witnesses in Zaria said people including primary school teachers had been queuing up seeking employment under Mr Buhari's administration when the bomb was detonated. Kaduna state governor Nasir El-Rufa'i said citizens were to be vigilant and avoid crowded places like markets, mosques, churches and motor parks in the next few weeks.

Pray: for the government and security agencies to end the wave of militant attacks in the country. Pray also for the families of more than 200 people killed by Boko Haram attacks last week. (Ps.29:11)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-33425734

Nigeria: Violence follows recent elections

Horrific violence has followed the inauguration of President Muhammadu Buhari in May, as Boko Haram militants attacked the city of Maiduguri, capital of Nigeria’s north-eastern Borno state and birthplace of the Islamist insurgency group Boko Haram. Gunfire and explosions reverberate through the city and scores have been left dead. ‘We don’t know what happens next,’ a church leader told Barnabas. ‘Pray for the believers in the city of Maiduguri. Pray for God’s special intervention.’ On 29 May, militants launched 50+ rockets into the town, killing scores of people. On Saturday, a suicide bomber killed several people as he detonated himself in a mosque. On Sunday, a bomb went off near the Gomboru market, killing scores more. On Tuesday 2 June, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the Gomboru market, killing at 20+ people. In his inaugural speech President Buhari announced that the command centre for security forces would be moved from Abuja to Maiduguri.

Pray: against mindless, godless terrorism in Nigeria, and for God to protect the innocent.(Ps.64:1,2)
More: www.barnabasfund.org/news/Boko-Haram-wage-violence-in-north-eastern-Nigeria-after-Presidential-inauguration

Nigeria: Villages raided, more Christians killed

Many Christian villages in central Nigeria were attacked and a number of people were killed in raids by suspected Fulani militants on Sunday (the Fulani, mainly Muslim, are one of the most powerful people groups in west Africa). Militants attacked 20 villages in the Agatu local government area of Benue state, killing more than 30 people. Many fled to displacement camps in neighbouring Kogi state. Meanwhile, in the Barkin Ladi area of Plateau state, militants attacked several villages in Dorowa. Nigerian military responded to the attack but ‘made no search nor any arrests’. As Boko Haram attacks gradually build up around the north-east states, Fulani terror activities are also on the rise in central Nigeria. Please pray now for our brothers and sisters in Christ, facing this new threat.

Pray: that officials and the military will act with firm resolve to end these attacks and protect vulnerable Christian communities. (Zec.10:5)
More: http://www.releaseinternational.org/nigeria-christians-killed-as-villages-raided/

Nigeria: Boko Haram survivors - food shortages

Since Nigeria's army began clearing areas of the country's northeast from Boko Haram, some internally displaced people have started returning home. But thousands could now face severe food shortages as reconstruction is delayed. Some trade has resumed in towns, but ghostly pockets and haunting reminders of the insurgent takeover are evident. Three months after the fighting ended, the smell of rotting corpses still clings to the air by the Church of the Brethren near Mararaba. People have returned to Adamawa province, but health clinics, banks and schools are still lacking and vast stretches of farmland stand barren. People are afraid and lack the equipment and manpower to farm, so for the moment they can’t live off the land. There is no sign of government aid. The rainy season comes next month and landmines are still dotted around. About a week ago a bomb exploded when people went to clear the land.

Pray: for those who have returned to devastation to receive help and much needed support. (Ps.118:13)
More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/boko.haram.survivors.now.face.severe.food.shortages/53684.htm

Nigeria: Turning point in Nigeria’s war against Boko Haram

Last week Prayer-Alert reported the release of 234 women and girls from Boko Haram. The total number of hostages released in the past few days has risen to 700. This marks a revival of fortunes for Nigeria’s military. More hostages have been freed in the past few weeks than in the past six years of the Boko Haram insurgency. This is due to the military receiving vital equipment and more support from the Nigerian people, who gave valuable information to track down the insurgents. Getting the Nigerian people on the side of the army would have been unlikely a few months back, given the military's appalling human rights record in the north east. The imminent arrival of Muhammadu Buhari as President has piloted a new sense of confidence. The former military strongman has vowed to crush the Muslim extremists. As the assault on Boko Haram’s stronghold continues it is hoped more victims will be released.

Pray: for adequate treatment to be put in place to deal with cases of post-traumatic stress disorder.(1Pe.5:7)
More: http://allafrica.com/stories/201505030230.html

Nigeria: Buhari declares Boko Haram a fraud and 300 hostages are rescued

Nigeria's President-elect Muhammadu Buhari said on Monday, ‘The fraud called Boko Haram can be defeated by denying it a recruitment base. No religion allows for the killing of children in school dormitory, in markets and places of worship. They have nothing to do with religion. They are terrorists and we are going to deal with them as they deal with terrorists anywhere.’ Buhari said Boko Haram will be denied a recruitment base.  He lamented the destruction of schools in northern Nigeria, an action he said could deny thousands of youngsters access to education and a better future unless something is done urgently to end the crisis. Meanwhile on Wednesday the Nigeria army rescued nearly 300 females from Boko Haram.  An army spokesman says the hostages freed during military offensive are not schoolgirls abducted from Chibok last year. For the full story go to:-

Pray: that God will use the new government successfully to implement change and pave the way for more hostages to be released. (Ps.121:5)
More: http://news.peacefmonline.com/pages/news/201504/240244.php

Nigeria: Election campaigns almost divided Lagos

Lagos’ Governor Babatunde Fashola said on Tuesday that the 2015 general election campaigns almost divided Lagos along ethnic line and civil service administration. This comment came as the Lagos State Governor-elect, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode, urged the civil servants in the state to continue giving support to his incoming team in order to continue the work in the state.  Fashola said that the task ahead is daunting both at the national and state level and noted that 2015 election campaigns recorded unprecedented hype compared to previous elections in the country. ‘I have been involved in four elections, but in none of those elections have I seen a campaign that tried to divide our public service. I have never seen posters in front of the state secretariat that distorted the reality of our condition in service’.

Pray: that the new Governor will run an open administration that would thrive on the contributions of residents from different backgrounds but who are united with the best interests of the state at their heart. (Ps.110:1)
More: www.vanguardngr.com/2015/04/2015-election-campaigns-almost-divided-lagos-fashola/

Nigeria: Historic election outcome

Incumbent Goodluck Jonathan phoned former military leader Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday to concede defeat in Nigeria's presidential elections, he then followed the phone call with a written statement to his countrymen. Jonathan’s speedy action and words have hopefully prevented violent protests breaking out after calls for calm from the two main candidates and a warning by the United States and Britain against political interference amid earlier claims of vote-rigging and voter intimidation. ‘I promised the country free and fair elections. I have kept my word,’ Mr Jonathan said. A spokesman for Gen Buhari's All Progressives Congress party said, ‘Mr Jonathan will remain a hero for this move. The tension will go down dramatically.’ After a close election there will be many who are unhappy with this outcome but ‘democracy is deepening in Nigeria’ even though the poll has revealed dangerous religious and regional differences - violence still threatens.

Pray: for calm celebrations without supporters attacking opponents, so that Nigeria’s deepening democracy may be a tonic to other countries in Africa. Pray for God to move the heart of and speak through Mr Buhari (2 Ch 36:22)
More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-32139858




The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) wishes to join all Nigerians to thank God for the peaceful conduct of the Presidential elections. Despite the enormous tension and apprehension that preceded the election, Nigerians have demonstrated political maturity that elections can be won and lost without recourse to violence or acrimony.

The National Christian Elders Forum wishes to congratulate and commend the President and Commander in Chief of Nigerian Armed Forces, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for displaying quality Christian and democratic character by his peaceful concession of defeat at the polls and congratulating the winner General Muhammadu Buhari. We join all Nigerians, and indeed the entire world, to commend his act of statesmanship.

If my people...



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