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Nigeria: Preparations for 2015 Elections

Nigeria will hold a presidential election on 14 February and many are beginning to speculate on President Goodluck Jonathan’s second term bid and how political parties will address issues affecting Nigeria’s economy, terrorist and political challenges. In the coming weeks there will be quarrels over who is to be a delegate as well as many issues that may arise through primaries. Although a President can never solve all the problems in his country we can pray that the candidates for the next presidency will be men or women who have a heart to make positive differences to Nigeria’s future.

Pray: for God fearing politicians to be elected and positive future growth in Nigeria’s economy, education, healthcare, urban infrastructure and security. (Ps.33:8-11)

More: http://www.punchng.com/politics/insecurity-shouldnt-be-used-against-jonathans-re-election-alkali/

Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iraq: Suicide bombings continue

Kabul is protected by a fortress-like ‘ring of steel,’ with police and soldiers manning roadblocks and spot-checking vehicles, but in recent weeks suicide bombers have managed to carry out attacks metres away from the office of the city's police chief and near an international military base, They have also attacked convoys and bombed the car of a prominent female parliamentarian. The parliamentarian survived but civilian casualties were high. On Sunday 45 people were killed when a bomber detonated his explosive vest in a crowd of spectators during a volleyball game. On Tuesday in Nigeria an estimated 50 were killed when two teenage female suicide bombers detonated their devices in a busy Market in Maiduguri. Boko Haram is blamed for the deaths of 1,500+ this year in Nigeria. Last month there were five separate suicide bombings in Iraq, killing 130+. British citizen Kabir Ahmed is reported to have carried out one of these suicide bombings.

Pray: against the spread of a false twisted concept of Islam used by terrorists for Jihad. Pray for Christ to supernaturally intervene and reveal Himself to those lost in wrong beliefs for whatever reason.(Jn.8:32)

More: http://news.yahoo.com/nigeria-2-female-bombers-kill-30-maiduguri-115818326.html

Nigeria: Army re-captures Chibok from Boko Haram

Nigeria’s population growth has put immense pressure on overstretched public services and infrastructure. 45% of the population are under 15 years of age and 4.7 million primary school age children are not in school. Statistically, 40% of those aged 6-11 don’t attend primary school and 30% of those in primary education drop out, with only 54% progressing to Junior Secondary Schools. The Northern region has the lowest school attendance rate, particularly for girls. The proportion of girls to boys in school ranges from 1 girl to 2 boys and 1 girl to 3 boys. Children skip school to work or when families cannot afford uniforms and textbooks. Sometimes a school is beyond a safe walking distance from homes, sometimes girls marry early. UniceF reports that the prospects of Nigeria achieving’ Education For All by 2015’ are frail.

Pray: for the Government’s Basic Education scheme to reach all schools, particularly in urban areas.(Ps.36:7-8)

More: http://www.unicef.org/nigeria/children_1937.html

Nigeria: The issue of education

Nigeria’s population growth has put immense pressure on overstretched public services and infrastructure. 45% of the population are under 15 years of age and 4.7 million primary school age children are not in school. Statistically, 40% of those aged 6-11 don’t attend primary school and 30% of those in primary education drop out, with only 54% progressing to Junior Secondary Schools. The Northern region has the lowest school attendance rate, particularly for girls. The proportion of girls to boys in school ranges from 1 girl to 2 boys and 1 girl to 3 boys. Children skip school to work or when families cannot afford uniforms and textbooks. Sometimes a school is beyond a safe walking distance from homes, sometimes girls marry early. UniceF reports that the prospects of Nigeria achieving’ Education For All by 2015’ are frail.

Pray: for the Government’s Basic Education scheme to reach all schools, particularly in urban areas.(Ps.36:7-8)

More: http://www.unicef.org/nigeria/children_1937.html

Nigeria: Death toll rises after school bombing

The death toll has risen to 49 after a suicide bomber disguised in a school uniform blew himself up at a boys' secondary school in northern Nigeria on Monday. 57 people were injured. Other reports put the number of injured victims at 79 in the attack in Yobe state, which took place as students were in the yard of the boarding school during the morning roll call. All schools in the town are closed now. The attack came six days after a similar one on a Shi'ite Islamic school in Potiskum, in which 30 people died. Boko Haram targeted both schools. The UN Children's Fund (Unicef) said attacks on children are attacks ‘on the future of Nigeria’, warning that the country already has the largest number of children out of school in the world. (see item above)

Pray: for God to comfort the victims and give much boldness to the government investigations. (Ps.143:8,9)

More: http://www.news24.com/Africa/News/Death-toll-rises-after-Nigeria-school-bombing-20141111

Nigeria: Boko Haram denies ceasefire and release of schoolgirls deal

Boko Haram laughed at the announcement of a ceasefire and release of abducted school girls. Two weeks ago Nigeria’s Foreign Minister said the schoolgirls would be released ‘in the very near future.’ However, a recent Boko Haram video showed Abubakar Shekau saying, ‘Don't you know the Chibok schoolgirls have converted to Islam? They have memorised two chapters of the Quran. We married them off.’ He also denied knowing the negotiator with whom the government claimed it had worked out a ceasefire deal. In the video, Shekau talked not of peace but of more violence - promising more ‘war, striking and killing with gun.’ On Saturday Boko Haram sent messages to Christians in hideouts in the hills telling them that non-Muslims would be killed. Many tried to escape to Cameroon in the night but were stopped. Boko Haram later attacked the area and killed many remaining in the hills. See also:

Pray: for the Nigerian government as it steps up its military campaign against militants and criminals. Pray for God to comfort the many living in fear in Nigeria’s countryside communities. (Ps.10:2,17-8)

More: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/11/01/world/africa/nigeria-boko-haram-denies-deal/

Nigeria: Idolatry in high places

The following is from the 31-day prayer guide for Nigeria. Day 30 tells us of the increased dependence of Nigeria’s politicians and even some ‘church leaders’ on occult powers. The experience of two state governors; Anambra and Ogun states were publicized but many other governors and their cabinet members are involved in taking oaths at shrines to confirm allegiance. This idolatry brings about God’s wrath, (judgment, curses, captivity, and defilement, famine, drought, cloud of darkness, reprobate minds, evil kings and demonic presence in lands). Pray for God to bring repentance for the sin of idolatry and occultist practices by political leaders. Pray and ask God to convict those involved in sinful acts of their wickedness and that they will repent and turn to the true God, (Prov. 28:13, 1 Jn.1:8,9) see:

Pray: for all leaders involved in occult practices be exposed and judged if they do not repent. Ask God to bless those who trust in Him with protection, provision, strength, and ability, (Prov. 3:3-6)

More: http://www.pray4nigeria.org/

Nigeria: Schoolgirls' release - deal no deal?

During a visit to Berlin, Nigeria’s Foreign Minister, Aminu Wali, said that the 200+ schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram will be released ‘in the very near future’ although he did not mention a specific date. The US administration confirmed on Monday that a ceasefire agreement had been reached between the Nigerian Army and Boko Haram but negotiations on the girls` release were still going on. Meanwhile four of the girls aged between 16 and 18 escaped from a camp in Cameroon and travelled west for weeks until they arrived at a Nigerian village. To date they are the only captives to have escaped from a Boko Haram camp. See:

Pray: that the new agreement to bring the girls to safety will not be broken and that this time they would be released without harm. (Ps.71:24)

More: http://zeenews.india.com/news/world/abducted-girls-to-be-freed-soon-nigerian-minister_1488390.html

Nigeria: IS gives advice to Boko Haram for an African Caliphate

When fighters last month took the town of Gwoza murdering inhabitants and raising its jihadist flags, a video was released declaring the area was ‘now part of the Islamic Caliphate and Gwoza has nothing to do with Nigeria.’ Intelligence agencies believe that what were once symbolic links between IS and Boko Haram have developed into a practical relationship with the Islamic State offering advice on strategy and tactics. Emboldened by the success of IS and now equipped with armoured vehicles and artillery Boko Haram is beginning to operate more like a conventional army in Borno Adamawa and Yobe states. Since 2009 terrorists have attacked government buildings, bombed churches and killed; but recently entire towns have been captured and bases to control the territory are being established, a move that parallels IS. Christian leaders report tens of thousands of Christians and Muslims fleeing northern Nigeria where towns are being captured, including Michika earlier this week. See: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/africa/isis-gives-blessing-and-advice-to-boko-harams-dream-of-an-african-caliphate-30573042.html and http://www.christiantelegraph.com/issue24747.html

Pray: that the ties between IS and Boko Haram will be broken by Nigeria’s security networks. Pray also for God to provide peace and security for the displaced. (Pr.29:11)

More: http://www.christianpost.com/news/isis-giving-nigerias-boko-haram-advice-on-establishing-african-caliphate-126164/

Nigeria: Boko Haram 'seize' Michika in Adamawa state

Nigeria's militant Islamist group Boko Haram has captured the key north-eastern town of Michika, residents say, gaining more territory in its efforts to create an Islamic state. People fled into bushes as gunfire rang out in the town, they added. Boko Haram has changed tactics in recent months by holding on to territory rather than launching hit-and-run attacks. The government called on Nigerians not to lose hope. The military was committed to defending Nigeria's territorial integrity, it said. Soldiers killed 50 militants during a raid on their hideout in the small north-eastern town of Kawuri at the weekend, the army said. Last month, Boko Haram said it had established an Islamic state in areas it controls in north-eastern Nigeria. Michika is a trading centre in Adamawa state not far from the Cameroon border.

Pray: against the ongoing attacks by Boko Haram as it seeks to establish an Islamic state. (Ps.140:12)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-29110663

Nigeria: Latest Islamist outrage

Witnesses who fled the sandy fishing village of Doron Baga near the shores of Lake Chad said militants clothed in military and police uniforms loaded 97 men and boys on to trucks and drove them away, leaving no men or boys in the place - only young children, girls and women. They said six older men were also killed in Sunday's raid while another five people were wounded. Terrorists also burned several houses. Boko Haram has dramatically increased attacks on civilians recently and the once-grassroots movement has lost popular support as it becomes more bloodthirsty. Young men are not now willingly volunteering as soldiers. So Boko Haram’s solution is kidnapping boys and forcing them to fight and abducting girls as sex slaves. This is a chilling echo of Ugandan rebel Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army, which operated in the same way in Uganda, South Sudan and central Africa for decades.

Pray: for missing and abducted Nigerians and their families. (Ps.17:7-9) Ask God to halt the increasing mobility of Boko Haram across vast swathes of north-eastern Nigeria without being intercepted by the military. (Ps.44:23-24)

More: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2725964/Boko-Haram-kidnap-dozens-men-boys-attack-Nigeria-village-latest-Islamist-outrage.html

Nigeria: Kidnapped girls – trauma rises

For the families of the missing girls kidnapped more than a hundred days ago, another trauma has emerged. Eleven of the grieving parents have died, many after heart attacks and stress-related illnesses. President Goodluck Jonathan pledged to secure the girls release during his first meeting with parents recently. Parents pulled out of previous meetings believing they were being used for political reasons. Despite the support of the USA, France and the UK the whereabouts of the girls is still unknown. President Jonathan reassured parents, appealing for patience, understanding and cooperation. ‘Anyone who says we are aloof and not doing what we are supposed to do to get the girls out is not being truthful. Our commitment is to get the girls out and to rout Boko Haram completely from Nigeria.’ Please pray for security in the area; there are concerns of a humanitarian disaster as Christians flee Boko Haram. See: http://www.3news.co.nz/Nigerians-flee-Boko-Haram-attacks/tabid/417/articleID/355664/Default.aspx

Pray: for the heartbroken families. Ask God to protect communities against the onslaught of fear and hopelessness. Ask God to remind them that He has a future and a hope for them. (Lk.1:50-51)

More: https://www.worldwatchmonitor.org/2014/07/article_3230638.html/

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