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Nigeria: 60 Christians helped, 80 waiting for prosthetics

While the assaults by Boko Haram in Nigeria have faded from the news, the attacks on Christians have continued to escalate. What would you do? Go to church knowing you could be attacked? Avoid sharing your faith? Or even deny your faith to save your earthly body? These are very hard questions and Christians in Nigeria (mostly the north) face this dilemma almost daily. In recent years Boko Haram has burnt churches and beheaded Christians. Another tactic is that of severing a limb, usually a leg. In response to these attacks The Voice of the Martyrs has built a prosthetics clinic in northern Nigeria. With the help of technicians donating their time along with quality materials shipped from the US they have been able to assist 60 of our persecuted brothers and sisters with prosthetic limbs in the last 12 months and have identified 80 more Christians needing one.

Pray: for God to protect and encourage Nigerian believers living in fear, and pray for those ministering to victims of persecution. (Ps.69:32-33)

More: https://secure.persecution.com/email/prostheticclinic2014.aspx?source=EMAIL115

Nigeria: Soldiers join slaughter of Christians

Survivors of the January 6th slaughter of 33 Christians in a village in Plateau State said Special Task Force soldiers stationed to protect them turned their weapons on those fleeing the attack. Speaking from her hospital bed with bullet wounds in her legs, Antele Alamba said hundreds of Muslim Fulani herdsmen armed with guns and machetes attacked Shonong village burning homes and butchering women and children. ‘The soldiers stationed in the village to protect us joined the Fulani herdsmen in shooting and in the process most of our people were killed.’ Alamba said as tears dripped down her cheeks. ‘I was shot by soldiers as I ran away for protection. We were all trapped in the village as there was no way of escape for us. We ran to the church and soldiers followed us there. They were shooting, and the herdsmen were shooting too. It was chaos and confusion everywhere.’

Pray: for God’s comfort and provision for the survivors and the families of the dead. Pray against corruption in the security forces. (Ps.18:6-9)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2014/s14010033.htm

Nigeria: Dozens killed in fresh attacks

About 40 people were killed in coordinated attacks on four Christian-dominated villages in the central Nigerian State of Plateau. Local sources contacted by World Watch Monitor report that the assailants, believed to be members of the Fulani tribe, came at around 2am on Tuesday morning, attacking the Berom communities in the villages of Katu Kapang, Daron, Tul and Rawuru. In a statement, Captain Salisu Mustapha, Media Officer of the government's Special Task Force (STF) in Jos, said the ‘attackers killed 13 persons in Katu Kapang, eight in Daron, nine in Tul and seven others in Rawuru. About five others were also reported to have sustained injuries’. Those killed included a one-year-old boy shot at close range, a four-year old and several women and other children, villagers told local media. The Chairman of the State chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Rev Soja Bewarang, condemned in ‘strong terms’ the ‘barbarous act’ in which pregnant women and children were killed.

Pray: that solutions will be found to stop the attacks of terrorists in Nigeria. (Dt.22:26)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/dozens.killed.in.fresh.attacks.in.central.nigeria/34862.htm

Cameroon: Nigeria’s Boko Haram strikes again in Cameroon

In November Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan called for Cameroon’s support in combating Boko Haram. The two countries share a 1600 km border, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the South to Lake Chad in the North. Then on November 15-17, a number of incidents took place along the border. Local sources contacted by World Watch Monitor say dozens of properties, including Ewy church in Tourou (in Cameroon) were attacked while at least one church was set ablaze and destroyed on the Nigerian side of Ashigashia. At least four people were killed and many others wounded and transferred to health centres. Despite the reinforcement of security forces in the area, villagers fear continued attacks from Islamist militants from Nigeria who now consider Cameroon their second home. Northern Cameroon is a vast semi-desert area composed of three provinces (Adamawa, North and Far North), bordered by Nigeria to the West, Chad to the Northeast and Central African Republic to the West.

Pray: for governments to strategically contain the spread of terrorism. (Jer.8:15)

More: http://www.worldwatchmonitor.org/

Nigeria: Commerce and rural update

Nigeria was labelled a potential emerging economic giant by BBC Radio 4’s Today program’ when Evan Davis and Newsday's Nkem Ifejika interviewed entrepreneurs. However ‘the country still faced fundamental issues with an infrastructure that remains a problem to the nation's economy.’ Problems with power and electricity have been solved but education was still a problem with the entrepreneurs saying it was necessary for businesses to ‘invest in future staff’. They also added the corruption had become ‘a cultural thing’. Outside the cities thousands have died in tit-for-tat ethnic violence blamed on land disputes between semi-nomadic Muslim Fulani herdsmen and mainly Christian Berom farmers in zones where Nigeria's predominantly Muslim north meets its Christian-majority south. The most recent barbarism resulted in 30 dead, dozens of houses torched, cattle killed or taken away by Hausa-Fulani herdsmen in the Riyom area. See:

Pray: for Nigeria to fulfil her potential, for the cities and the rural areas to be in God’s hands. (Pr.23:17-18)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-25619456

Nigeria: Officials portray slaughter of Christians as 'cattle theft'

Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed 10 Christians in three villages in Plateau State last week in what authorities called cattle-rustling. A visit to the home where eight were killed revealed the presence of no cows. A state official was quick to deny the attack was rooted in the ethno-religious violence that has convulsed the State. Military officials asserted that security forces recovered 20 cows and killed five of the rustlers in thwarting an attempted theft. However a news reporter found no evidence of cattle ownership there. Fulani Muslims also attacked the villages of Zatsitsa-Kudeson and Chehwyanang killing two Christians.

Pray: that the Muslim Fulani herdsmen attacking Christians will be brought to account for their crimes against the innocent. Pray also for accurate and unbiased reporting by the government, and all in position of authority. (Ps.90:15-17)

More: http://morningstarnews.org/2013/10/officials-in-nigeria-try-to-portray-slaughter-of-christian-family-as-cattle-theft/

Global: November - prayer for the persecuted church

In the traditional Church calendar All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day in the month of November are set apart to remember the saints and the souls of departed Christians. The modern Church has set apart November 3-10 to remember and pray for the persecuted Church during the international days of prayer for the persecuted Church’ (IDOP). November 3rd is the day set apart in the UK and Ireland, however individuals are free to choose another date if they wish. Believers in Egypt, Eritrea, India, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan and Vietnam face violence, imprisonment and even death because of their faith in Jesus Christ. In North Korea hidden acts of persecution take place. 2013’s focus includes Indian Christians suffering increasing persecution by militants wanting a Hindu-only nation. We can pray that this year many thousands will stand alongside the persecuted Church praying that they will be able to stand firm and to continue making known the mystery of the Gospel to their neighbours.

Pray: for God to strengthen, encourage and protect those Christians living in places where faith costs the most. (Ro.1:16)

More: http://www.idop.org/

Global: Child labour/slaves

Although international Labour Organisation data shows a fall in child labour since 2000 critics say the number of working children remains unacceptable. Protecting children from hazardous work and long hours remains a major challenge, with families in poor countries such as Bangladesh heavily reliant on the income they get from sending children to work. There are 168 million children working in situations that fit the ILO definition of child labour. That is "work undertaken by children below the appropriate legal minimum working age", based on its minimum age convention. In Nigeria Child labour is rampant in the gold and mineral mines. More than ten years after Nigeria passed a law banning child labour the International Labour Organisation says there are still fifteen million children working in the country. The plight of children working in Nigeria's mines is especially harsh but for many the paycheck is worth the pain. The children work for a dollar a day to support their families. See also http://www.win1040.com/video.php?clip=Child_Slavery

Pray: for the continued development of successful initiatives to put an end to child ‘recruits’ in terrorist armies, children forced into brothels, child labour in factories, farming and mining. (Ps.10:12)

More: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/africa/2013/10/child-labour-rampant-nigerian-mines-20131086554982259.html

Nigeria: Aftermath of innocents killed in cold blood

Last Sunday Boko Haram attacked the College of Agriculture in a dawn raid. Innocent pupils were gunned down in cold blood while still in their beds. Amnesty International stated that the attacks on schools had become more vicious and brutal since the beginning of 2013. Several trucks of soldiers have moved into the area and soldiers are also fighting the insurgents at one border community between Borno and Yobe states where the terrorists burnt a Dangote truck and killed seven people. Military officials confirmed that fighting is still going on between the terrorists and the men of the Joint Task Force in a forest area between Yobe and Borno states where the terrorists were sighted. Trade union, religious and traditional institutions are calling political and opinion leaders in the northeast to intervene urgently to end the cycle of barbaric violence by the sect.

Pray: for all in authority throughout Nigeria to be empowered with God’s wisdom and discernment, covered with His protection and enabled to overcome the evil attacking the country at this time. (Ro.12:21)

More: http://www.nigerianwatch.com/news/2680-death-toll-from-boko-haram-college-massacre-rises-to-90-as-bodies-found-in-the-bush#sthash.3r4D7k7U.dpuf

Nigeria: President’s visit to Israel pilgrimage sites

The Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethse mane, the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River, the Church of the Annunciation, and the Church of Dominus Flevit (where Jesus wept) were visited by President Goodluck Jonathan over the weekend as he and eight Nigerian governors made a Holy Land pilgrimage. President Jonathan made the trip to pray for peace between Nigeria's Christians and Muslims and to sign agreements with Israeli leaders regarding in ternational flights and other matters. At a prayer service in Jerusalem for thousands of Nigerian pilgrims he said, ‘This is the first time the pilgrimage has taken this shape. I believe we will continue in this spirit. Let me reassure you even though we are passing through challenging periods that God has made it possible for us to be here. Even in the Scripture we've seen the many battles the Jews fought. But because of their zealand commitments, God has kept them.’

Pray: for the Lord to walk with and support Nigerian leaders as they face overwhelming challenges. (Ps.23:4)

More: http://www.christianitytoday.com/gleanings/2013/october/nigeria-president-israel-pilgrimage-jonathan-goodluck.html

Up to 50 students killed in Yobe state college attack

As many as 50 people have been killed after suspected Islamist gunmen fired on students as they slept at a college in northeast Nigeria.

The attackers reportedly stormed a dormitory and set fire to classrooms in the assault which happened about 1am local time on Sunday in the town of Gujba in Yobe state.

Nigeria's military is blaming militants from the Boko Haram insurgent group for the atrocity at the College of Agriculture.

College provost Molima Idi Mato said security forces were still recovering bodies so he could not give an exact number of dead but said up to 50 had been killed.

He also said about 1,000 students had fled the scene.

There were no security forces stationed at the college despite government assurances, said Mr Mato.  Two weeks ago, state commission for education Mohammmed Lamin urged all schools to reopen and promising protection by soldiers and police.

Northeast Nigeria is in a military state of emergency following an Islamic uprising by Boko Haram militants who have killed more than 1,700 people since 2010 in their quest for an Islamic state.

The name Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden" and the group has repeatedly attacked schools, universities and colleges during its four-year insurgency.

Boko Haram has said it is fighting to create an Islamic state in Nigeria's mainly Muslim north, but the group is believed to be made up of different factions with varying aims.

Pray: for God to comfort those who mourn and to bless those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness.(Mat.5:3-10)

More: http://news.sky.com/story/1147882/nigeria-college-attacked-up-to-50-killed

NIGERIA: At least 160 dead this week in terrorist related violence

NIGERIA: At least 160 dead this week in terrorist related violence At least 160 people have died in terrorist related violence this week in Nigeria's Yobe and Borno States. According to a news release from Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), on the evening of 18 Sept, Boko Haram members armed with Kalashnikovs, rocket launchers and homemade bombs are reported to have stormed Yadi Buni Town in Yobe State. They set fire to the local government headquarters and the home of the divisional police head, whose wife was burned to death inside the building. The son of the Yobe Peoples Democratic Party's (PDP) youth leader is also said to have been killed, while one soldier and nine sect members died in an ensuing shootout. On 17 Sept, 143 commuters were killed and several abducted when well armed Boko Haram gunmen ambushed vehicles along the busy Maiduguri to Damaturu Express Way in the early evening. Travellers were reportedly asked to produce their ID cards, then lined up and shot.

Pray: that ways will be found to bring about an end to the hostilities and peace to this troubled nation. (Ps.7:9)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/at.least.160.dead.in.nigeria.this.week.in.terrorist.related.violence/34076.htm

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