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NIGERIA: Weekend attacks in North-East

At least 50 civilians were killed and dozens more injured in a series of weekend attacks in north-eastern Nigeria by Boko Haram. CSW reported 12 killed when Boko Haram members dressed in military and police uniforms attacked Ngom village in Borno State last Saturday. An unconfirmed report said 19 people from surrounding villages were also murdered on Sunday. Also on Sunday 46 worshippers in a mosque were killed and 30 injured. At the same time, other members of the group petrol bombed and destroyed 50 homes. This was Boko Haram's first large scale attack inside a mosque; the group had previously targeted individuals on their way to or from prayer. Meanwhile, due to a breach in communications there are now doubts over the widely reported Nigerian military's claim that Boko Haram’s chief was killed earlier this week. See http://zeenews.india.com/news/world/doubts-over-claims-of-boko-haram-chief-s-death-in-nigeria_870460.html

Pray: for the state of emergency in Borno and Hobe States to successfully remove all who violently attempt to establish their interpretations of religion. Pray for good communications between military and government bodies. (Ps.34:14)

More: http://www.openheaven.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=43876&PN=1

NIGERIA: Progress against Boko Haram

Abba Moro, Nigeria's interior minister, said the army is making progress in the war against Boko Haram despite the killing of 44 people in a mosque on Sunday. He dismissed the attack as ‘desperate’ and ‘isolated’ telling the BBC ‘The security agencies of Nigeria have been able to push the Boko Haram sect from their major strongholds.’ Thousands of extra soldiers have been sent to the north-eastern states since a state of emergency was announced in May. On Monday 32 militants, 2 soldiers and a policeman were killed in clashes with Boko Haram in Borno state when troops successfully repelled terrorists who attacked a military base. We are asked to continue to pray that Boko Haram’s plans to establish an Islamic caliphate in the country will fail. More than 2,000 people have died since terrorists commenced killings and bombings mostly in the northern part of the country. See also: http://zeenews.india.com/news/world/nigeria-clashes-between-boko-haram-and-army-35-killed_867088.html

Pray: God will continue to strengthen the resolve and abilities of Nigeria’s government and army in its fight against terror. (Ps.37:10-11)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-23689074

NIGERIA: The judiciary

Nigeria’s criminal justice system is utterly failing Nigerian people and a majority of prisoners are not convicted of any crime. Amnesty International reported ‘The problems in Nigeria’s criminal justice system - especially its prisons - are so blatant and egregious that the Nigerian government has had no choice but to recognize them and has pledged many times to reform the system.’ We are asked to pray that beyond their technical ability, the Holy Spirit will help judicial officers discern the guilty from the innocent and liars from those who tell the truth. Ask God to raise God-fearing people through whom there will be a cleansing and purging of the judiciary and an honouring of the work of righteous the work oflawyers, judges and magistrates. Pray for God to expose wicked and corrupt judges so as to discourage them from evil. Ask God to put godly people in the National Judiciary Council, the body in charge of appointments. Ask Him to use the Nigerian Judiciary as a tool to make the nation law-abiding. For more insights into prayer for Nigeria; http://www.pray4nigeria.org/

Pray: for God to build up the remnants of the Judiciary that are still just and honourable. (Ps 89:14 & Is.28:6)

More: http://www.pray4nigeria.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=332:day-8-judiciary&catid=47&Itemid=285

NIGERIA: Bombs kill 24 in mainly Christian area

Kano has been among the cities hardest hit during Boko Haram's insurgency, despite the recent lull. On Tuesday four bomb blasts ripped through a mainly Christian area killing 24 people and leaving 3 seriously injured. A small church may have been among the targets. Residents described the area as being littered with the personal belongings of those who ran in fear and confusion once the explosions began. At least three schools have been attacked in northeastern Nigeria by suspected Boko Haram members in recent weeks. Over the weekend, clashes between a vigilante group and Boko Haram members left at least 20 people dead in the village of Dawashe in Borno State. The insurgency is estimated to have claimed more than 3,600 lives since 2009, including killings by the security forces.

Pray: for all working tirelessly to support communities affected by violence, may they restore people's hope. May God guide, sustain and strengthen them as they repair broken walls. (Is.58:12)

More: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/nigeria-bombs-kill-12-mainly-christian-area-095440715.html#BFwMTVL

NIGERIA: Islamic and secular laws clash in Senate

Many Nigerians are enraged, wondering how a senator notorious for marrying a 14-year-old girl can use Shariah law as an excuse to filibuster a constitutional amendment that has sparked a debate on the age of consent for girls. Since the country's secular and Islamic laws clashed in the upper house of Parliament last week, concerned citizens are using petitions, protests and social networks to demand the Senate revisit the issue. ‘Every Nigerian should bow his or her head in shame because instead of crushing the head of the lustful beast that seeks to fornicate with our children, to steal their virtues and to destroy their future, what the Senate did the other day was to compromise with and cater for the filthy appetites and godless fantasies of a bunch of child molesters and sexual predators,’ Femi Fani-Kayode (a traditional chief and former Cabinet minister) fumed in a letter to The Vanguard newspaper on Monday.

Pray: for the age of consent to remain at 18 in Nigeria and an end to the practice of forcing underage girls into marriage. (Jer.22:16-17)

More: http://www.kwqc.com/story/22902103/islamic-and-secular-laws-clash-in-nigerias-senate

NIGERIA: Insecurity

Security of citizens is one of the most important roles of government; unfortunately many issues are threatening the security of Nigerians and other nationalities living in the nation. Armed robbery, religious violence, intertribal crises, bad roads causing accidents, Fulani herdsmen destroying peoples' farms and attacking the farmers, carelessness in the aviation industry resulting in air-crashes, sales of false drugs, etc. All these problems of insecurity make Nigeria look hopeless like the dry bones of Ezekiel 37:1-4 but the Lord breathed life to the dry bones and they became a great army and were brought out from the graves to their own land. Ask God to open the grave of all areas of life in Nigeria and bring the country out of corruption, occultism, bloodshed, violence, Boko Haram killings, injustice and witchcraft. Pray and prophecy to the dry bones of authority in Nigeria that Nigeria will live and prosper once again.

Pray: for God to bring about peace, unity and love to manifest amongst all people of various religious backgrounds and tribes in Nigeria. (Ps. 72:6,7)

More: http://www.pray4nigeria.org/images/resources/Prayer-Guide.pdf

NIGERIA: School massacre

Secondary schools have been ordered to close across Nigeria's north-eastern state of Yobe after a massacre in which Boko Haram Islamist extremists torched Mamudo Boarding school killing 22 students. ‘Boko Haram’ translates as ‘Western education is forbidden’ and dozens of schools have been burned in attacks by them since 2010. Eyewitnesses said some victims were burned alive while others were shot as they fled. An Associated Press reporter found chaotic hospital scenes where traumatised parents struggled to identify their children among the charred bodies and gunshot victims. Survivors said suspected militants arrived with containers full of fuel and set fire to the school. Yobe Governor Ibrahim Gaidam condemned the ‘cold-blooded murder’ and ordered secondary schools to be closed until September to allow state and federal government officials plus community leaders to work towards guaranteeing school safety. He also asked the government to remove mobile phone signal blocks across the state as the lack of mobile communications prevents patriotic citizens from reporting suspicious movements in their neighbourhoods.

Pray: for God to comfort those who mourn and to bless those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness.(Mat.5:3-10)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-2322123

NIGERIA: Anglican Church seeks capital punishment

Anglican Archbishop Nicholas Okoh asked the Federal Government to impose capital punishment for perpetrators of rape and killing. He also advised young ladies to avoid indecent dressing and nudity in order to avoid people who lacked sexual self-control. At Tuesday's press briefing in Abuja he counselled religious leaders to concentrate on teaching morality, not how to make money adding, ‘My church has not met to discuss the issue of capital punishment for rapists. But rape is becoming an embarrassing situation in this country and as religious leaders we must continue to react against deviant behaviour. We must continue to support marriage in order to build a decent society.’ He told the story of an incident of violent rape of a family, particularly the mother, by armed robbers and the perpetrator being executed adding, ‘The law of capital punishment for those who rightly deserve it should stay.’ Many favouring the death penalty quote Genesis 9:6.

Pray: that the broken systems in Nigeria will mend and administer justice not more victims. (Mat.6:14)

More: http://www.punchng.com/news/anglican-church-seeks-capital-punishment-for-rapists-others/

NIGERIA: Militants force thousands to flee

Refugees say Islamic extremists threatening a bloodbath are forcing thousands of people from villages in northern Nigeria where the fighters have regrouped following a month-long military crackdown. People who escaped through the bush to the Borno state capital of Maiduguri say the Boko Haram terrorist network have also written letters warning government workers to resign their jobs or face death. Some villagers fled to neighbouring Cameroon. In a separate operation in Kano state police say they have rounded up 400 migrants and are deporting those who do not have the necessary documents. A state of emergency and military and police crackdown since May 14 have failed to crush the extremists blamed for the killings of more than 1,600 people since 2010. Meanwhile Amnesty International received credible reports that the authorities in the State of Edo in southern Nigeria have hanged four men in Benin City Prison on 24th June – the first known executions in the country since 2006. See also http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/18587

Pray: for the Government of Nigeria to know God’s way forward and for God to empower them with His wisdom in all decisions at this time. (Is.30:21

More: http://zeenews.india.com/news/world/militants-in-north-nigeria-force-thousands-to-flee_856991.html

NIGERIA: Islamists drive farmers from their land

Islamic militants have driven 19,000 rice farmers from their land in northeast Nigeria while a military crackdown is preventing thousands more from working their fields, raising fears of imminent food shortages adding to the misery in northeast Nigeria. The abandoned area is fertile, a regional bread basket created by the receding waters of Lake Chad. General hunger is anticipated this year because all roads linking the cities to the farming hinterlands have been closed down. Farmers have been locked out of their lands while those in the hinterland cannot come to the city for tractors or labourers for the next cropping. Meanwhile violence continues with 13 people killed when extremists attacked a boarding school for five hours in Damataru state capital on Sunday night. A student who survived by hiding under a bed said dozens of Boko Haram ordered students to take them to the teachers’ quarters, where they opened fire on teachers and students.

Pray: for an end to the attacks that are terrorizing the population of northeast Nigeria; for minimum violence as troops are deployed. (Ps.68:28)

More: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/06/18/3457539/islamists-drive-19000-farmers.html

Nigeria: Bishops condemn persecution of Christians

At an International Conference on ‘Religious Freedom and Tolerance’ clergymen from different denominations condemned the violent persecution of Christians in the north, as they discussed the current situation with Christian Solidarity International, Christian Defense Force, Human Capital Development, Governors and University academics. They endorsed the emergency rule imposed by President Jonathan in parts of the north where out of 52 churches 50 have been destroyed by Boko Haram terrorists. Also it was suggested Christians in the North be asked to consider relocating to the East to avoid more casualties.

Pray: for concerted action and prayer to contain efforts to destabilize Nigeria and to bring about a Godly solution. (Ps.125:3-5)


NIGERIA: Refugees

A UN report for refugees stated that no fewer than 6,000 people - mostly women, children and elderly were displaced following the military onslaught against Boko Haram and the al Qaeda-linked Ansaru. They fled to neighbouring Niger Republic fearful of being caught in the government-led crackdown. The presence of Nigerian refugees in Niger is putting a strain on meagre local food and water resources as they struggle after years of drought. Refugees are either renting houses or staying with host families who are themselves living in very precarious conditions. A UNHCR member of staff who visited several border villages hosting refugees met Nigerian families living out in the open and some under trees. Refugees reported air strikes by government forces from time to time, and planes regularly flying over Borno, Yobe and Adamawa where a state of emergency has been in force since May 14.

Pray: for the UN to effectively deliver structured and coordinated help for host communities of Nigerian refugees. (Ps.12:7)

More: http://www.punchng.com/news/6000-flee-bharam-crisis-to-niger-un/

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